
Tuesday, 8 March 2016


Step by step with styrofoam brick flooring:
The material can be purchased at stationery storetijolo de isopors, and may have reduced thickness, as 1 cm at most. This makes it easier to cut and prevents very deep openings arise between the pieces.
With the styrofoam plates in hand, simply to draw straight lines and cut with stylus, and then paste with glue for wood, with the help of a sponge, in wooden panels stuck on the wall.
After holding the styrofoam, is the time to apply the paint, taking care to protect the areas around, or even painting on the floor, on a large area lined with newspaper, before attaching the panels on the wall.
Note: the term "styrofoam" actually refers to a well known brand of expanded polystyrene material, also called "EPS", and is a material also used in slabs and as full of houses construction system
In entirely home-made version, although the price factor becomes raised the most advantageous, you must use Paint to cover the styrofoam, so the appearance is not the same as conventional brick, and the painted. To cover it, the ink used is of type spray, to facilitate the application, and the appearance is more realistic when using a special ink which mimics the appearance of stone. This ink has a grainy texture and with some metallic points, and can be found for sale on Amazon's site.
Oh, and it's also important to remember that the styrofoam does not resist the high temperatures, so no place on barbecue grills or very close to stoves, for example.

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